Saturday, September 1, 2012

Do Your Homework Before Vaccinating

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Do you know about - Do Your Homework Before Vaccinating

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The U.S. Government is beginning to enforce mandatory vaccinations for children beginning with Illinois, which now requires newborn infants to be vaccinated 16 times within the first 18 months. But do vaccines of course help?

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How is Do Your Homework Before Vaccinating

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Illinois Chiropractic.

Personally, I believe vaccines are not a solution to fighting disease. The parents of most of the children I have seen over the past decades, being educated, decided against vaccines. I have peers that seem to be healthier than most, and they were never vaccinated. The same goes for patients I have seen who were also not vaccinated. With chiropractic adjustments and adding glyconutrients, phytochemicals and antioxidants to their diet, kids do very well. We should eat fresh and raw foods and eliminate dairy, sugar, dyes and artificial sweeteners. However, everybody should make their own, well-educated decision on vaccines and parents should have a option in either or not they want their children vaccinated.

What would I do if I were to vaccinate my child? Well, I wouldn't. Most parents have experienced or heard of children advent down with a fever or naturally not feeling well after a vaccine. These are called adverse effects. I have seen children who had adverse effects to vaccines and have never recovered. One toddler in Australia became a vegetable following a vaccine. I have personally witnessed some parents' grief when their three month-old was vaccinated, had mucous in the stool, went to sleep and never woke up! Why should I vaccinate when there are risks such as these? Vaccines are not something that we were born with. We are not deficient in vaccines. Moreover, there seems to be scientific evidence that the preservatives in vaccines may conduce to children succumbing to Autism Spectrum Disorders following inoculation.

Some vaccines comprise a mercury compound (or trace amounts of it) in the form of a preservative called thimerosal. There is evidence that with enough exposure mercury causes neurotoxicity and other organ damage in humans, especially in infants whose brains and systems are still developing. Cases of mercury poisoning have been seen all over the world in Iraq, Japan and even in the U.S. Mercury is a hazardous chemical substance that cannot of course be removed from the body. In increasing to that, these preservatives are idea to cause lesions in the gut lining, predisposing these children to inadequate absorption and inflammation, which I believe is the real culprit for children who are autistic. If these kids can heal their gut lining, they can absorb their foods, and then the food will help the body do its job and heal itself.

The evidence against vaccination is quite strong. The New England Journal of medicine posted an article last week on the two-dose vaccine failure that led to the largest mumps outbreak in two decades. The lead author and an worker of town for Disease operate and prevention (Cdcp), Dr. Gustavo H. Dayan concludes that "a more productive mumps vaccine or changes in vaccine procedure may be needed to avert future outbreaks and accomplish the elimination of mumps."

Soon doctors will insist upon a three-dose vaccine and when that fails four, then five, etc. Not to mention other new vaccines for influenza, pneumococcus, and Hpv. The 2006 mumps outbreak was not due to a decline in immunity but rather because of the increased estimate of vaccination for the disease, which also leads to a duplicate dose of thimerosal in those children. Interestingly, Dayan left the Cdcp and now works for Sanofi Pasteur, a company that makes a mumps vaccine.

Scientists are still reviewing the toxic effects of thimerosal in vaccines. For facts on vaccines and autism look at this article. Also, Dr. Eisenstein re-published his book Don't Vaccinate Before You Educate! He presents arguments both for and against vaccines in order to help parents make well-rounded decisions about vaccinations. Feel free to check out the resource page on salutary Answers Online where you can find out more on vaccines as well as product recalls, recommendations and other informative articles.

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