Tuesday, June 26, 2012

How Long Does Whiplash Last

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Whiplash can be a painful injury, and one that can cause pain for a period after the accident. Usually, the pain from whiplash begins a few hours after the emergency and then intensifies for the next 24 hours. The real demand most population want to know though is how long the whiplash will last, and this can be difficult to sass in a generalised case.

Knowing how long a case of whiplash will last depends on the severity of the emergency and hence severity of the injury. In extremely mild cases, most of the pain from whiplash can clear up within a few days or weeks. In contrast, a particularly bad case of whiplash may last for months if not years, so it is all the time best to see your Gp to get an personel pathology as to how bad your injury is.

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However, in the midpoint case it can take anywhere between 4-8 weeks for the symptoms of whiplash to disappear. Anymore than that and you should visit your Gp again to check either all is progressing smoothly and if there is anything you can do to help your recovery.

How Long Does Whiplash Last

Your physician may suggest that you visit a specialist such as chiropractor or massage therapist. An accredited member of these groups may be able to help you with your injury, but you should all the time go straight through your Gp to a recommended practitioner so that you can be sure they are properly great for the condition that you have, as not all are.

How Long Does Whiplash Last

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