Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Is a Chiropractor a Real Doctor?

No.1 Article of Chiropractor Chicago


A chiropractic physician is probably one of the most misunderstood healthcare practitioners in the medical profession. Through the years they have been looked at askance by doubters who are full of suspicion. In times past, they have been called quacks, or worse. This is due, in part, to the public's narrow and dinky view of medical rehabilitation - being that solely of administering prescription drugs and performing surgery. 

Chiropractor Chicago

It's unfortunate that the majority of citizen believe this is all there is to health care. There truth is there is more to health care than drugs and surgery! A great deal more!

Is a Chiropractor a Real Doctor?

Sad to say, but even some chiropractic patients haven't a real clear comprehension of what chiropractic is. And for those who have never been to a chiropractor, most are totally misinformed as to the make up of the profession. The fact is chiropractic is the largest drug-free form of health care and the third largest form of any health care in North America.

What is Chiropractic?

The word "chiropractic" is a blending of the Greek words cheir (hand) and praxis (action) and means "done by hand." Chiropractic is an alternative medical principles in that the practitioner takes a separate arrival from approved rehabilitation in diagnosing, classifying, and treating medical problems.

Essentially, chiropractic focuses on the association in the middle of the body's structure - primarily that of the spine - and the body's function. Doctors of chiropractic use hands-on therapy called manipulation (or adjustment) as their core procedure.

Comparable to an Md?
So is the training of a chiropractor as rigorous as that of a medical doctor? The retort is a resounding, yes. Today's physician of chiropractic receives an uncut educational background beginning with three years of pre-chiropractic study. From there they develop into a four-year policy of study. A trainee of chiropractic spends as many hours in the study of human physiology as that of a medical doctor. Chiropractic programs require a minimum of 4,200 hours of combined classroom, laboratory, and clinical experience.

The variation in the middle of the education of an Md and that of a chiropractor lies in the fact that an Md trains in pharmacology and surgical procedures and chiropractor trains in the care of the spine.

Worth the Cost?

Some will profess that it costs too much to go to the chiropractor. However, the opposite is true. The fact is that oftentimes when a person is treated by a chiropractic physician for one safe bet symptom, the adjustments (treatments) corollary in a higher level of uncut health and well being. This leads to cutting back on prescription drugs, preventing the need for surgery, and slowing down the aging process.

Those who advantage from chiropractic treatments look at it as an important part of their ongoing health maintenance, similar to that of quarterly rehearsal or visiting their local health spa. They now know the variation - how they felt before chiropractic treatments and how much best they feel now. 

A survey of patients of chiropractors in an independent physicians' association found that, when asked if they would suggest their physician of Chiropractic to others, 95.5% of the patients said "yes." 1

A chiropractor is a whole health practitioner who is implicated not just about your symptoms, but your uncut state of well being. What your physician of chiropractic can offer, no other physician can. Have no doubt that a chiropractor is well trained to sustain you reach your own personal optimal health. 

1 http://www.neffchiro.com/research.htm

Is a Chiropractor a Real Doctor?

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