Thursday, June 28, 2012

What's the Best Way to Sleep?

No.1 Article of Chiropractor Chicago Advertisements

My patients commonly ask me -"What is the best way to sleep?" to which I all the time answer: "Well, what position do you sleep in?" The hypothesize for this reply is that just be modifying a integrate of things here and there, you can get a restful and comfortable night's rest no matter what position you unquestionably sleep in.

Back Sleepers

Chiropractor Chicago

Yes, this is unquestionably the preferred position to sleep because it places the least whole of stress to your spine-If you:

What's the Best Way to Sleep?

Place a cervical roll or rolled-up towel under your neck. Make sure that your head is in a neutral position (that you are neither looking up or down). If you find that you cannot be "in neutral" then you need a smaller roll.

Place a pillow under your knees-This takes stress off
of your lower back. You could buy a extra pillow for this, but a
regular pillow works just fine.

Side Sleepers

-If you sleep on your side, then supervene these tips to minimize the
amount of stress to your spine.

Use a cervical pillow-Ideally, the pillow should take into list how wide your shoulders are-the wider your shoulders, the taller the pillow should be. This is because you want to keep your neck in a neutral position.Place a pillow between your knees. Not only will this feel more comfortable, if you have hip joint pain-this right on helps.Try not to sleep on your side with your arm up over your head-this causes stress on the nerves that come out of the neck and into the arms and cause tingling or deadness down the arms.

Sleep on your Belly-

This position places the most stress on your neck.
In this position you have your head turned to one side or the other for hours at a time. This is quite stressful to your neck muscles and joints.

Your body will try to shift your position to compensate. This is why population who toss and turn the most are belly sleepers.

To sleep more comfortably(belly sleepers):

Place a pillow under your waist, and do not use a pillow for your head.

Remember that there are other variables that will work on the quality of your sleep, like the condition and firmness of your mattress. If your mattress is too old it will sag and not furnish adequate support.

Avoid super-soft mattresses-they may feel comfortable at the
beginning, but in the mornings, the lack of preserve will make you feel sore. Your mattress should be firm, but not hard to furnish the adequate support.

As with anything, if any of these recommendations cause you increased pain, consult your chiropractor-there may be other factors present that should be checked by a professional.

Sweet Dreams!

What's the Best Way to Sleep?

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