Saturday, June 2, 2012

Massage Technique - disagreement

No.1 Article of Chiropractor Chicago


Friction movements ordinarily make use of the balls of the thumbs (although the fingertips, knuckles or even the elbows may be used). The muscle is moved against the bone by small circular movements of the balls of the thumbs. Stand directly over the area to be treated and use your body weight to lanch right down into the deeper tissues - the human body is not as delicate and brittle as you might imagine. This stroke is particularly productive when performed on either side of the spine. If your thumbs are not aching by the time you reach the neck area you are not performing the stroke correctly!

Chiropractor Chicago


Massage Technique - disagreement

This technique is particularly beneficial for breaking down the knots and nodules that build up in the body due to the stresses and strains of daily life. Any accumulated waste products may be eliminated. disagreement helps to break down the fatty deposits and is therefore of advantage in cases of obesity. disagreement is very productive around a well-healed scar to break down adhesions and is also used to massage around bony prominences such as the patella (knee cap). It also increases the temperature by expanding cellular action and bringing an increased flow of blood to an area providing temporary analgesia (pain relief).
Errors to avoid

Work deeper and deeper into the tissues gradually, as the pain tolerance levels vary greatly. Do not overtreat an area as this can lead to pain and soreness. Do not hunch your shoulders with the attempt (otherwise you will need a massage yourself right afterwards). Ensure that you are tantalizing the tissues under the skin and not just the skin. Use the pads of the thumbs only, avoiding digging the nails in!

Massage Technique - disagreement

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