Thursday, July 12, 2012

Technology in Healthcare

Illinois Chiropractic - Technology in Healthcare
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Do you know about - Technology in Healthcare

Illinois Chiropractic! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

The use of technology in healthcare has opened the way for improvements in a collection of areas. One proof of the advantages and benefits of technology is that more population are surviving diseases like cancer and heart disease due to the ability to diagnose them earlier than previously capable. With this ability comes the advantage of being able to use a protocol that may be less drastic than one needed as the disease progresses. With a disease like cancer, as it metastasizes, the ability to fight it and eliminate it gets harder and harder. Although, other use of technology in healthcare has brought us new drugs that can target more in effect the particular cancer cells along with being more targeted in other areas. It has also brought us new radiation tool that can be far more accurate and not have to use the shotgun coming to get to the cancer. The beam can even be bent around key body parts like glands and arteries so as not to damage them when focusing in that area.

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How is Technology in Healthcare

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One provocative and futuristic advance is the use of robots. You can now have a robotic prostatectomy with an outcome that may be to the advantage of the patient. With the use of a robot in surgical operation there is a smaller incision or incisions which is less trauma for the patient, there is less blood loss, a greater opportunity of accurate cuts around delicate nerves and tendons which may allow the patient a best opportunity of not having side effects from the surgery, and ordinarily a shorter stay in the hospital and a shorter recovery time. The precision of the robot is far more accurate than a surgeon using his or her hands alone. One presuppose is the use of a microscope and lights in the area of the surgery. A physician has entrance to this technology in an operating room but this is amazingly close and well lit in a very small area without having to cut the patient open. The accuracy of being able to see within a fraction of a millimeter is a great advantage for the physician operating the robot.

Another area where robots are used is in robotic heart surgery. Again the accuracy and precision of the tools lead to a greater opportunity of a quicker recovery time and less trauma to the patient. The finer incisions and the likelihood of less blood loss are one advantage to using a robot in heart surgery. The da Vinci robot used in both heart and cancer surgeries and has the opportunity to be used in a collection of areas where precision and accuracy are paramount.

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