Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What is Fibro Fog?

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While the most famous symptoms of fibromyalgia include comprehensive pain and persistent fatigue, the resulting cognitive impairment of this condition may be its most maddening.

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How is What is Fibro Fog?

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Commonly referred to as fibro fog, this indication of illness is a conglomeration of cognitive challenges. Fibro fog is understood to be a bodily indication of illness of fibromyalgia, not a psychological one. While study on fibro fog is scarce, experts agree that it is not the effect of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, or other brain function deterioration condition. Of utmost significance is recognizing that fibro fog can be managed and with the discount of fibromyalgia’s other symptoms, the cloud of fibro fog will also fade away.

Symptoms of Fibro Fog

Just as no two individuals palpate fibromyalgia in the same way, fibro fog also has a varying range of indications, including:

· reasoning confusion

· Fuzzy thinking

· Short-term memory loss

· Inability to merge or pay attention

· Language lapses

Fibro Fog Causes

The same lack of facts as to fibromyalgia’s origin also surrounds fibro fog. While a collection of causes have been proposed, together with depression, decreased oxygen flow to the brain, positive medications, poor nutrition, and changes to the Central Nervous law (Cns), most experts agree that sleep deprivation is the customary culprit of fibro fog.

Occurring at the deepest level of the sleep cycle, individuals with fibromyalgia typically lack sufficient restorative sleep. We know that at the deeper levels of sleep, called delta wave sleep, a person’s mind conducts internal housekeeping. While delta wave sleep, newly acquired facts is assimilated and integrated into the brain. The inability to get sufficient delta wave sleep impairs the quality to recall facts and operate at a general level of reasoning efficiency.

Physical Link

Temporal lobe brain abnormalities appear to mimic the presentation of fibro fog.
According to Dr. Jay Seastrunk, a psychiatrist specializing in fibromyalgia, if the temporal lobes are mismatched, there will be problem with memory, recall and concentration. “Cognitive dysfunction is a right temporal lobe phenomena. Manifold mood swings, problem sleeping are all temporal lobe abnormalities. Temporal lobe is responsible for comprehension what we hear, retrieving and restoring our memories even though the sick person may feel they have mystery with their memory. The question is truly the retrieval of this information. Not being able to find the word or you forget what you are going to do, or blocking, is a left temporal lobe phenomena.”

Dr. Muhammad B. Yunus, a prominent chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia researcher, suggests that Spect (single photon emission computerized tomography), Pet (positron emission tomography) and Beam (brain electrical action mapping) scans of the brain demonstrate that fibro fog is a bodily anomaly. According to Dr. Yunus, “Cerebral blood flow imaging by Spect, Pet and Beam have been reported to be abnormal in a large majority of patients with Cfs (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), showing a pattern distinct from general controls and those with depression. Results of Spect, Pet or Beam studies specifically in fibromyalgia have not been reported, but a good whole of patients with Cfs who had these tests carried out with abnormal results also had fibromyalgia.”

When considering both Dr. Seastrunk and Dr. Yunus’ contributions, it is clear that fibro fog is represented by physically visible brain variances.

Managing fibro fog

Since fibro fog is believed to be directly related to non-restorative sleep, putting all of one’s resources into getting good, quality sleep is crucial. In expanding to seeking expert aid (and inherent physician-prescribed sleep medications), the following suggestions may be conducive to getting a quality night’s sleep:

· Adhering to a regular sleep disposition – going to sleep and waking at the same time each day

· Providing a relaxing climate prior to and While sleep

· Limiting caffeine and food consumption near bedtime

· Listening to white noise prior to and While sleep

· Sleeping on a high quality mattress

· For pain reduction, using pillows in bed to upholstery any sore spots

· Using natural sleep aids (always consult your physician)

In expanding to focusing on getting restorative sleep, The Arthritis Foundation® shares nine tips to minimize fibro fog’s impact While the day:

1. Repeat yourself. Repeat things to yourself over and over again. Repetition will keep thoughts fresh in your mind.

2. Write it down. Either you write in a calendar, in a notebook or on sticky notes, if you’re afraid you won’t remember something, putting pen to paper can help.

3. Pick your best time. If there is something you need to do that requires attentiveness and memory, such as balancing your checkbook or following a recipe, pick your best time to do it. Many citizen with fibromyalgia say they perform best early in the day.

4. Get treated. Depression, pain and sleep deprivation can affect your quality to merge and remember. Getting your medical problems treated may indirectly help your memory.

5. Engage yourself. Reading a book, finding a play, or working a complex crossword or jigsaw puzzle can stimulate your brain and your memory.

6. Stay active. bodily activity, in moderation, can increase your energy and help lift your fibro fog. Speak to your doctor or bodily therapist about an practice agenda that is right for you.

7. Explain yourself. Explain your memory difficulties to family members and close friends. Memory problems often effect from stress. Getting a dinky comprehension from the ones you love may help.

8. Keep it quiet. A radio blasting from the next room, a Tv competing for your attention, or background conversation can distract your attentiveness from the task at hand. If possible, move to a quiet place and minimize distractions when you are trying to remember.

9. Go slowly. Sometimes memory problems can effect from trying to do too much in too short a duration of time. Break up tasks, and don’t take on more than you can handle at once. Stress and fatigue will only make the situation worse.

Fibro Fog Hope
As one of fibromyalgia’s most frustrating components, there is hope for fibro fog sufferers. comprehension the following about fibro fog will allay many with fears:

· You are not alone in suffering with fibro fog

· Fibro fog is not a psychological condition

· Fibro fog is likely a effect of non-restorative sleep disturbances

· improving sleep can sacrifice fibro fog

· There are many ways to sacrifice fibro fog’s prominence in your life

The best news of all is that many individuals report that being committed to managing their fibromyalgia (by integrating western medicine, alternative treatment and lifestyle changes), has resulted in their fibro fog fading away.


Yunus, Md, Muhammad B., chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Syndrome: Similarities and Differences, University of Illinois College of treatment at Peoria, Peoria, Illinois.

http://www.arthritis.org, Clearing the Fog, Arthritis Foundation, 2006.

http://www.disabilitysecrets.com, Fibromyalgia and Brain Fog or Fibro, disabilitysecrets.com, 2006.

http://www.drlamb.com, Clearing the Brain-Fog of Fibromyalgia, The Pain Reliever Corporation, 2006.

[http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Falls/8173/neurology.html], Neurological Effects of Fm and Cfs.

web.tampabay.rr.com/lymecfs/brainfog.htm, What is Brainfog and how critical is it?, Marilyn J. Kerr, Rn, 2001.

http://www.suite101.com, Fibromyalgia: Fighting Fibro-Fog, Tamara Peters.

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